Estimate the CO2e emissions of purchases.


We provide in-depth carbon footprint estimations and insights for almost any purchase.

Most carbon tracking APIs use simple category level data you would find in a carbon calculator, but this doesn't let your users differentiate between companies they buy at. We go a few steps further: we accumulate thousands of government-grade emissions factors from different countries to provide a more accurate insight.


The synchronous Connect CO2 endpoint can be used to estimate the emissions of individual transactions or in bulk. This method of integration is simple to integrate a means that no transaction data is stored with Connect Earth.


The bulk endpoint can process up to 1000 transactions per call.

Error handling in bulk operations

All our bulk APIs are generally structured as List[Input] => List[Envelope[Result]]. Where Input is for arguments for one operation and Result is result type.

Result matching

Lists have the same length and preserve ordering, so that the result for input[i] will be at result[i].


Envelope represents the result of a potentially failed operation for one Input. It can possibly take two shapes:

  "value": ...execution result type  
  error: {  
    message: "Error description",  
    "transactions": [
            "value": ...execution result type 
          	error: {  
              message: "Error description"  